Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Before the cream sits out too long...

Well last night, my brother and friend(from the post before this) and I watched Eurotrip. It was a great movie. I suggest renting it. But do your self a favor and get the rated version if you're not into seeing fat old guys' packages. After that, we went outside(it was about 12:15). But I decided to follow my gut instinct, as I had heard what happened last time they went outside after midnight, and believe me, I have ZERO interest in shiting on a picnic table. So I tell them I want to go home and go to bed. After seeing so many episodes of The Cosby Show, Saved By The Bell, and Full House where people are rewarded for using good judgement, I expected them to be cool with that. I mean, I'm a really uptight guy, and it would seem normal for an uptight guy to be worried about lighting things on fire and drinking out of non-alcoholic beer cans on a country club golf course at 12:30 am. But no, that makes me a giiiirl. I mean, I actually plan on having a future, and the last thing I need is to be dropped off by the police at m,y house after midnight when I'm supposed to be sleeping over at a friends house.
So at about 1, I finally go home. But the front door is locked, and I don't want to wake up my mom and sisters with the garage door. Fortunately, the basement door was open and I didn't have to return to my brother and face more ridicule. Great friends, eh?

So, how's about visiting a web site for me? Go to . Man, it's hilarious. Goddnight.

Monday, June 28, 2004


Well, after a minor break, I've returned. And I still have no readers. But anyways, on to business.
Instead of the usual complaints, I'll tell you a funny story. A magical tale that will make you lose all hope in the children, and the "future" they'll soon be, not to mention humanity as a whole. My grade(rising ninth graders)'s "hottest" couple broke up tonight. Why did the two teens who seemed to have been made for each other break up? Because the guy went over to a friend's house, signed on AIM and left his password saved. So what does this friend's friend/my brother do? Sign on and have a little talk with the other half of the relationship. My brother then breaks up with the girl, allowing my friend to call up this girl and ask her out. And they're going out on a date tomorrow. No names were mentioned as to save my skin and the skin of the other two people involved. Remember, I'm Guy McAwesome, not (real name omitted).

Friday, June 18, 2004

Ever wonder?(competitive swimming)

Okay, so you wear some really tight, skimpy speedo, jump off a block and into a pool and swim down to the other end. Then you swim back. And end right where you started. Why bother? What's the point? What've you accomplished? You've wasted some energy, but at the end of the day you realize you've gone NOWHERE. Even if you only swim DOWN, and not BACK to where you started, it would've been easier to just walk to the other side. Maybe I just feel this way because I SUCK so bad at swimming.

Now that I'm done with that, I want to ask you a favor. Visit: Find the movie analyses and read a few. They're pretty funny. In case you didn't feel like visiting it, it's basically some extremely conservative Christian nit-picking about recent movies and telling extremely conservative Christian parents why they shouldn't let their kids see movies. Anyone else not remember a lava-death in Lilo and Stitch? Or Satanic symbols in the Recess movie? I don't, but maybe I'm not looking hard enough.

One more ting! (yes, that says ting, like that guy on jackie chan adventures)

I recently had gum surgery and my gums hurt like hell! and nothing helps! and i think all this medicine is making me sick! woo-hoo! and some of the people on this site are effed up.

New Buh-Log!

Wow it's my very first blog. Isn't that special. It's 2:30 a.m. and frankly, I don't feel like complaining about anything currently. But, I'll think up something anyways...
MY OLDER BROTHER. Dude, he is really annoying. He finds something wrong with everything I say or do. He also seems to be a bit bipolar. One minute he's saying "fag" or "retard" 200 times in one sentence, and then the next thing you know, he's acting politically correct. "Oh, everyone is free to have their own opinion and just 'do their thing'... You're stupid. Why do you like Weird Al? That makes you DUMB! You're a nerd."
Stupid jock... always raining on my parade. Well this is "Guy"... leaving, but not going to bed (and they say teenagers need sleep...). Bye.