Saturday, September 30, 2006


Currently Listening To: Reason Is Treason by Kasabian
...and by establishment, of course, I mean my math teacher. I really, really, REALLY do not like him. Rarely does one encounter someone who has managed to stick their head that far up their own ass. Yeah, I know, I'm not nearly as great at math as you are, because you are simply a math god, but does that mean that I am incapable of learning math? Does that make you exempt from teaching? Am I a lost cause just because I don't have an A in your class? I would say that knowing 82% of math is a considerable achievement, but NO. At this point, six weeks into the year, I need to be considering dropping his class. And tell me, what is wrong with this concept: "Knowing the homework is not enough"? Isn't that the entire point behind homework? You do it and if yuo can that means you understand the concepts? YOU BASTARD. Words cannot express how much I loathe this man; I despise him with every inch of my being, right down to my rotting and soulless core, with a level of passionate fury previously unbeknownst to mankind. To make me feel better, I will watch some Bob Ross on YouTube and then read about Fruit Loops on Wikipedia...

...And now I'm feeling better. It always helps to get your feelings out on paper, even though this isn't paper; it's the internet and as such everything I'm putting down on this blog is utterly insignificant. But maybe, just maybe, it will have an effect. Maybe the school will see this(Because everyone knows they scour the internet for students' sites) and they'll kick my math teacher's fly self to the curb. Or maybe this will get me motivated to study now instead of tomorrow for my math test. The best success is revenge, and I plan to be so successful that some might say I went Kill Bill on him. Let me take a moment right now to emphasize that I don't plan on killing him; I know lately there has been a spike in lameasses who come to school with guns and blow folks away. That isn't me. I hate my math teacher, but murder is ineffective in terms of getting your way unless your way is getting pounder in the ass in jail for the rest of your life. Not interested.

I'm not sure how I want to spend the rest of my night. Obviously, I said I planned on some homework so I have less tomorrow, but there are two things I want to see on TV tonight: Cry_Wolf on HBO and SNL on NBC, but they're during the same time slot. What to do, what to do..."> name="wmode" value="transparent">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Is Lips of an Angel the Worst Song Known To Man?

Currently Listening To: Here (In Your Arms) by Hellogoodbye

Pretty much. Not really any room for debate. You may say Macarena or something by the Spice Girls, but that's so ten years ago. Way to live in the past, LOSER.

If I ever so those Hinder a-holes, I'd kick their Oklahoman asses with a fury previously unknown to man.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Is two weeks to the day until my 16th.

So pretty much whenever I bring it up, which is a lot because sadly enough my young-ness is one of my defining features apparently, people are all, "Great, when do you get your license?" and I'm all, "I'm not going to." I get tired of explaining my not driving-ness. It would be better if I had like some disorder or something and I wasn't allowed to. That way, I could say "I have epilepsy!" rather than "I'm two months younger than everyone else in our grade!"

I would prefer that.

Monday, September 18, 2006


Ignore "Talk Like A Pirate Day". Old people know about it. Seriously, it was in the school anouncements last year, which is garbage McBullshits. Eff that.

So pretty much... There's sometihng I would really like to rant about pretty much anywhere where I already haven't, but it's a tad risky, seeing as this person wil likely read it. Oh, I bet you'd like to know now, wouldn't you? Hah, you are that type of guy, now aren't you? If it gets to be too much, privately aske me and I will pretty much tell you.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Mmm, Yummers!

I thought you might like that video. I know I do. Makes me SMILE. And I don't have a soul, so you know it's legit. It's even better once you realize that Jamba Juice is REAL, and that's what it's like. I swear to God there are more Jamba Juices in NY than Starbucks.

I wouldn't cry if I never heard the word indie again. I'm so effing done with it. I've never thought of myself as being indie, but it seems like it's effing everywhere and it has just run its course. It has been officially retired by me. Also, 'hip' in the sense of what's popular is done too. Sure, it isn't a term exclusive to our time, but it's done too. I really wish some people wouldn't try so hard to relate to kids.

Fucking LifeTouch. They take bad pictures on purpose. I hate them, they suck. I posted my bad picture last year. This year... No. I can't. It is truly the worst year book picture I have ever seen, simply because it is bad enough to be "Oh my God!" bad, but not to the point of "In a week or so I'll laugh about this." It's just "Oh my God" bad. Fuckers. And the worst part is, if I get retakes, the retake won't be my yearbuck picture and it won't be the one I get to look at every time I look at my grades. I really hate LifeTouch. Their monopoly on the yearbook picture business is bothersome.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Ways To Not Honor Someone

So this past weekend, Steve Irwin died. That's sad. I never watched his show, but it's still sad. The on teh internets, people were all, "hey guyz dis is teh badzorz lets send owt myspace bullitens in his honor lolz". I suppose that's a nice thing to do...

BUT NOT IF BY HONORING HIM YOU MEAN BOMBARDING PEOPLE WITH STEREOTYPES. The bulletin title "CRIKEY! R.I.P" is about as respectful as saying, "Let's remember him with a trip to Taco Bell!" when a Hispanic celebrity croaks or "Le'ts go get drunk out of our skulls!" when an Irish/Russian/German person dies. Don't get me wrong, I joke using stereotypes all the time, but how in God's name anyone managed to think that that was an acceptable way to express your feelings about his death is beyond me. And I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted people to hate stingrays because of this. Yes, he's called the Crocodile Hunter but he LIKED animals and tried to help them, so don't say that you hope they kill the stingray that killed him, that's stupid.

Monday, September 04, 2006


Currently Listening To: Munich by Editors
Well, we did see it last night. It was amazing. It was funny, suspenseful, action-packed, intense... It was everything. There were drugs, there was violence, there was sex, nudity, lanugage... Probably one of the more offensive movies I've seen. It was just... a lot of fun. I definitely reccomend seeing it in a packed theater like we did, because movies are always better when you see it with a lot of people. Even when some people bring their babies. I mean, I guess the whole R-rating thing is meant to warn people against bringing elementary schoolers in, but that includes babies. Don't bring babies into R-rated movies. C'mon, it common sense, folks. Number one, scholars.

Bah dum cha.

Watch out this week, becuase lately I've been on a roll with the Mel Gibson jokes.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Il Updato

So school this week was okay. Except for the last two periods on Friday, which I spent showing my lack of knowledge about physics. I studied, but I got the test and all those formulas were just PFFT. Gone. But the great thing was that I didn’t have a mental breakdown or anything, which during any other school year in the past I likely would have. Come to think of it, he said the scores would be up Friday night, and it’s Sunday, so I could check if I so desired. BUT I DON’T. So I will just sit here.

This weekend was supafly. On Friday I went to the football game. Claire, Matt, Starla, et cetra had fled the city for Labor Day, so I sat with people who I don’t normally, which was fun. Even though we were likely to get Hassan’d. Chattooga is a sketchy place if I’ve ever seen one. Some goth kids kept coming over to our side to maybe provoke us or something? I don’t know. They were looking for justification for their existence. With no upper/upper-middle class kids to patronize they would just be regular kids who blow their cash on stupid and impractical clothing from Hot Topic.

Our team lost, which was rather sad-ifying, but I got over it. Maybe they’ll win next week, but I was really pulling for AJ to get his birthday wish (AHAHAHAHAHA!). It’s kind of funny how when we beat other teams, they say we paid off the officials but that never comes up when we lose. What kind of moron would pay someone to make them lose by less? If you’re gonna cheat, go all the way. And if you’re a redneck bitter about what school you do or don’t go to, jump into a vat of lye, we don’t need you. Effing plebes.

Yesterday… I didn’t really do anything. I watched X2 and did the usual lazy shit.

Today we watched Empire Strikes Back in Sunday School, which was the shiz. I even managed to come up with a way to relate it to Jesus (Luke in the wilderness for a month, sacrifices his hand, reborn as Jedi who redeems the sinners, AKA Darth Vader, who then go and rid the world of EVIL, AKA the Holy Roman Emperor Joey Katz-Palpatine). Just kidding, I love the Pope.

Tonight we will hopefully be going to see CRANK with Jason Statham. IT looks so badass. Hopefully at some point this month the Snake on a Plane convoy can make its way to the Centre Drive-In as well, but we’ll just have to wait.