Saturday, October 02, 2004

I just saw a great quote on IMDB

It was on the message board for the movie Volcano, which wasn't that bad. It's just that the script writers probably went on to write speeches for Bush. Anyways, the quote went:
"Come on, at least this thing had Tommy Lee Jones rolling out a map on the hood of his car. He just does not get sick of that does he?"

Well, I thought it was funny. Shut up. Don't make me shove a large metal pipe down your throat. Cause I will. And there's only three more days until my birthday, but I have yet to see a gift from any of you bastards.

My sister was all sick and stuff today. She kept crying because she was gonna miss her school's "Fall Festival". Some day she'll be glad she missed that lame-ass waste of a day. Whoop-dee-friggin'-do, you got your hair spray painted. I love her and all, but it's really no big deal. And yes, I do realize that I probably loved going to that ass-tival when I was her age.

I just realized the perfect place to go in case of a zombie invasion: a Richard Simmons "concert" or whatever they call those things where all those fat people go to lose weight(and I don't mean people like me, I mean people who could rival Jabba the Hutt or Anna Nicole Smith as the fattest, most disgusting slug ever) and listen to ol' Richie have a friggin' orgasm on stage. Anyways, my reasoning would be that chances are they'd all be slower than me(save for Mr. Simmons) and the zombies would go for the easier prey, kinda like when you get chased by a bear; don't fret as long as someone slower than you is being chased too.

The theme for the home coming dance has been announced: dress up as your favorite decade. After I finished laughing hysterically for about twenty minutes and disrupting math class, I realized the endless possibilities: Devo, Kevin Bacon from Footloose, Anthony Michael Hall(from any one of his movies; it was just the same character), Johnny Depp from A Nightmare On Elm Street(the ladies would definitely be all-up-ons), any guy from the original Degrassi, Conan The Librarian(from UHF), are you still even reading this?, Jason Voorhees, the guy from Miami Vice, for still reading this you have no friends, Timothy Dalton, Jesse from Full House(no, wait, I won't...), Bill or Ted from... Bill and Ted, Ferris Bueller...

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