"All Muslims hate Christians." -Drew Fuller, you ignorant naw-nee-naw, you!
"THAT'S THE DUMBEST THING I'LL HEAR ALL DAY!" -Hunter Logan, my hero. You probably should have leapt across the room to kill him but, alas, too late.
(This one was a while ago)
"I'm tired of the liberal influence at this school!" -Annie. You silly lesbian, the liberal influence was fired last year for supporting the gay bishop.
"Go away Nash, unlike you, people at this [lunch] table actually like me!" -Shea the Oblivious. Alos worth noting is that he is the true Neanderthal.
"We should make a sign that says 'I'm
"All of the bus drivers at our school are pedophiles." -Me. It's true. (shudder)
"There're only three lesbians I don't like: Alanis Morrisette, Rosie O'Donnell and Annie Williams."- Me
"I've never heard of Annie Williams. What does she do?" -M. Cox.
"She always sits at our lunch table." -Me.
I found a dead body in the woods behind my house today. Not really, but wouldn't that have been cool if I did?
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