Wednesday, June 29, 2005

For God's sake people, it's just pure satire and social commentary, don't get so offended!

Just kidding, but I sounded smart and sophisticated when I said that, don't you think? I also must confess something to you, my devoted and loving fanbase; I only visit this website for the pictures. Just like those lame magazines they have a the haircut place. I mean, Scuba Diving Monthly? In Georgia? Who do they think they're kidding?


Anonymous said...

I know this has nothing to do with the post but are you ever online? As in, if I add you to my buddy list on AIM would I actually be able to talk to you?

Pardon the randomness. Carry on...

Clive Dangerously said...

I'm on a fair bit. So pretty much always.

Anonymous said...

man you smell...claire.......!

Clive Dangerously said...

That was... mature. And you obviously have balls, as you chose not to show your name.

Anonymous said... suck! Ahahahahahahahaha!!!

I'm cool.

Anonymous said...

H'mm... anonymous comments. Makes you wonder what kind of b*tch gets off on crappy insults.

Anyway, yay for the conversation with you last night, Clive "el Diego" Dangerously!