Wednesday, July 06, 2005 - Sleepwalker rescued from crane - Jul 6, 2005

I'm sorry, but there is no way in hell you can just sleepwalk up to the top of a crane. He obviously wanted to kill himself, but had second thoughts, and pissed himself becuase he was on top of a crane and cried for his 'mum'. What a little bitch. - Summer films: Sales bells ring
The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy comes out on DVD near my sister's birthday, so I'll buy it for her, she won't want it then I can have it. Maybe I could buy her Robots too, because that movie sucks hella bad.


Anonymous said...

H'mm... That's really weird, I have to say. Someone sleepwalking to a very tall place... sketchy. I've sleep-walked I think... I dreamed I was brushing my teeth I think and woke up with my toothbrush in my hand. ^_^!!

I haven't seen half of those new movies coming out. It's kind of sad... Hey, you're being a nice brother! Buying a movie/two movies for your sister.

Clive Dangerously said...

The koala would be asleep. They sleep for like 22 or 23 hours a day. And koalas are mean.