Friday, September 23, 2005

Me=Responsible for all those hurricanes.

Currently Listening To: Some Rage Against The MAchine song on the radio
I've angered the god of hurricanes by my post a few months back about how they all had sissy names. Oops, my bad.
So the guv-nah has cancelled school on Monday and Tuesday to conserve energy. What the hell? And when I ask, "What the hell?", it is in response to the fact that we still have school regardless, not the fact that canceling school would actually do anything productive. I wouldn't mind. I freaking hate school, cha-know?

Sugar, We're Going Down has to be one of the most godawful songs... ever. Along with Wake Me Up When September Ends, which should be forgotten forever after September 30. More like, wake me up when this GODAWFUL, SPAWNED FROM HELL SONG ENDS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny that "Wake Me Up When September Ends" and "Sugar, We're Going Down" are both on the top twenty charts.

Rage Against the Machine kicks arse.