Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Movies To Hate: 2006

Currently Listening To: Don't ask Me by OK Go

So I've stumbled upon the first of the crappy movies from 2006. I don't mean the type of movies that you go see and say they suck. I mean the ones that you just hear the premise and know it can't not suck. Let's begin.
  1. Curious George: It's the Polar Express all over again, except this time that rat bastard WILL FERREL is defacating all over a childhood fave.
  2. Big Momma's House 2: Oh, yeah, I definitely don't get tired of gender-bender movies, because they definitely don't all have the same plot.
  3. Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector: Le sigh.
  4. The Benchwarmers: Rob Schneider, David Spade and Napoleon Dynamite all in the same movie? I bet the compnay that made it didn't even look at the script; they just knew that two washed-up SNL alumnus and a poor SOB who will be typecast... forever guaranteed a hit.
  5. Garfield 2: I thought all 36 people who saw the first one didn't like it. Hmph.
  6. Flight 93: Pulling my heart strings? More like stabbing my jugular vein. I don't know, if they don't douse it in cheese it could be good.
  7. A Scanner Darkly: I wouldn't have such a passionate hatred for this if it weren't live action film redone with computers. Sky Captain and Sin City pulled it off, but the trailer for this looks like garbage.
  8. She's The Man: Not even a hot lesbian scene could save this shit. ANOTHER gender-bender.
  9. The Shaggy Dog: Who let Tim Allen out of the retirement center? HAS-BEEN!
  10. The Pink Panther: I bet they just hoped that people would assume it was about the pink panther from the old cartoon and go see it expecting that and not some piece with Steve Martin.
I noticed that the majority of these have washed-up, past-their-prime actors. Hmmm.

We watched a movie in Spanish today. I can't remember the title, but I remember the stars; a naked chick and her boobs! No lie! AND we learned how to siphon gas in chemistry. So it was a good day. Except I failed some stuff in two other classes and one of my teachers was a total bitch. Oh well.


Anonymous said...

Does the A Scanner Darkly movie have anything to do with Through a Glass Darkly?

Anonymous said...

pS--From Abby in NY

Clive Dangerously said...

Not that I know of. It just has to do with me being bored out of my skull.

Anonymous said...

Agh! Your picture post above with you playing the game isn't working for comments. Blah.

My family wanted to see a movie today, and the only movie that didn't look shitty was Brokeback Mountain. And I have such homophobic parents. This is going to suck.

I saw the preview for Pink Panther and why is Steve Martin speaking with an outrageous French-guard-from-Monty-Python accent?