Saturday, February 04, 2006


Whatever you're doing, stop. Leave your home immediately. Even if the baby is in the oven, or dinner's in the bath, get in the car and leave now. Head to the movies. See "When A Stranger Calls". Then go home, make your house bigger, turn out the lights and get everyone else to leave, then try to go to sleep. I DARE YOU.

But still, 'twas a great movie. Marty and I had a muy bueno tiempo.


Anonymous said...

omgosh that movie was fanfriggintastic. i loved that movie. well despite the fact that i almost peed myself like 18 times. haha thats what the bathroom is for. we should go see scary movies together more often. and you spelled marti wrong. haha.

Anonymous said...

haha, like omg I'm a thespian.

Anonymous said...

That bad, huh? It actually looks really lame... but maybe it's just me.

Dude, I still need to see Hostel...