Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Check this'un, bitch:

We took a survey at school today. A long survey. They asked aboot sex, drugs and alcohol, but interestingly enough no rock'n'roll. Anyways, one drug was alawan. No one had heard of alawan. So someone looked it up afterwards. It's not real. They've scammed us. I suppose the real question here is, if alwan isn't real, why is Uncle Tony doing twenty in the pen for dealing alawan? Answer me that, Minneapolis-based Search Institute. Or should I say, DHARMA INITIATIVE. That's right, I'm addicted to Lost like an emo kid addicted to alawan. That's pretty serious. It's on now. Hatches and heroin. Patches and pear to win.

1 comment:

Bella said...

Alawan? Never heard of it myself and I've done just about every drug out there. I shouldn't have said that.