I am back from New York. Actually, I got back Friday, but neglected to post until now because apparently there is a cure for the nerd gene. It's only temporary, though. To get to t3h cityzorz, we took... THE TRAIN. That's right, Amtrak, bitcholas. Holy shit, can you say "Amtrak was pretty weak. I can see why not a lot of people use it anymore"? First of all, the employees were kind of dicks. We was getting a lot of attitude, especially because our group was kind of loud. And we're teenagers. I've learned that not many people like teenagers. Just other teenagers and creepy bus drivers. The train stopped a lot, too. In the time it took to rail up to NYC, we could flown there... and back... 4 or 5 times. But the train was spacious, and you didn't really have to be seated during the trip. And tunnels are awesome in trains. So anyways, twenty-one hours after leaving the station, we get there. After an hour of waiting for bags and shit, all 19 of us pile in to some cabs with English speaking folks to our quaint and qurappy hostel. The rooms were tiny, cramped, hot, and a tad nasty. and twelve people sharing 1 toilet and 1 shower is probably not a good idea. The hostel was populated by Europeans, both the hot and the creepy/old, and the hostel was, as far as I could tell, in the middle of the gay village. It made some of the littles dirks in the group quite uncomfortable, despite the fact that I don't think any of us were ever approached by a gay person. Oh, and another thing, I'd say that it's incredibly unwise to be saying "faggot" in the middle of a gay neighborhood, similar to saying the dreaded n-word in like Harlem or something. Just because all of the gay guys on TV are feminine doesn't mean one you meet in real life can't beat the shit out of you. Anyways, back to other things, I did actually like New York. First off, I love public transportation. We got these little subway cards so we didn't have to fuck with tokens and it was just like, "SWIPE" and bam, you get to go ride around town with homeless people in a metal tube that smells like piss. And the buses were cool too. Hey, I live in the south, I'll take whatever I can get. I also like how new stuff was put into old buildings. The movie theater where we saw X3(Which was phenominal, by the way) was built in like an old apartment building or something. The theater looked like the stand-alone ones we have here on the inside but it looked exactly like the other buildings near it on the outside. I laso like how the Apple store was entirely underground, except for the big glass square with the elevator above it. Badaaaaaaaaass. Times Square was cool because it still looked like the afternoon at midnight. Spamalot was hysterical, as was expected, and the bear spotting was exciting. Well, there wasn;t really a bear. What happened was, in the hostel, I was yelling at pedestrians saying that I was God, and asking them how they were enjoying my day. Some dude poured water down on to me, so I stopped that, instead opting to warn New Yorkers about the impending danger of bears looking for honey. We had several drills. Mosto f the people on the trip were decent. The two girls I hated on the trip last year were evne bitchier, but I managed to avoid most of it because we didn't spend as much time packed in small spaces as on the Maine trip. I had a bi-polar kind of relationship with the guys in my room. One minute we would gang up on one kind, then another, and then another, so everyone got a fairshare of beat down. Except for me. Because people bow before me. Most of the ganing up on befell the kid who was pretty much glued to his phone, going back and forth talking to Keytrayvis and his girlfriend. Talking until 1:30 in the morning? Not cool. Oh, and I didn't run out of money this time. I did, however, seeming develop an eating disorder, because aparently only bringing a little bit of cash out to eat qualifies as one. The hot dogs were good, as was the Chinese place we ate, but the pizza was mediocre at best. My favorite part, without a doubt, was the Virgin record store. Why?
- The didn't ID
- They sold condoms at the register. Not gonna be a virgin for long
- I've been telling that joke all week
- They were having a sale. On music!
- It was several stories large
- No rednecks or soccer moms in my way
- Sorry for the X-Men spoiler at the beginning
Love, Ryan
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