Saturday, October 14, 2006

Wokka Wokka

Currently Watching: Underworld Evolution
I am totally, completely, 100% over Franz Ferdinand. It's weird. They went from being my favorite band to last week me removing all of it from my iPod. It's not like they're bad, I'm just tired of listening to them. Maybe when their new CD comes out. I've realized there are a metric ass load of CDs I am waiting/hoping for: The Bravery's second album, Hot Hot Heat's x-teenth album, Kaiser Cheifs 2nd, Hard FI's second. Get on that, bitches. I'd also like the Fray to release thier next single. If I were to never hear "How To Save A Life" again it would be really, really great. IT was the song that really stuck out when I bought it LAST DECEMBER, but it has kind of been played 438,762 times on Atlanta radio, which would be like three or four stations that could possibly have it on their playlist. Star90whore.

That Muslim Imam guy who talked at our school? Got arrested. For terrorism. Yeah, he was kind of send money to Hamas, the 'other guys' in that Lebanon/Israel thing this summer. Yup. Giving them money. That's pretty crazy.

I got the new Kasabian CD. It is loverly. Got Beck, Hellogoodbye, Audislave and an old-ish Weezer one too. I'm also considering the Rocco Deluca and the Burden CD. They're some cool cats.

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