Two comments I overheard this week that really burned me up:
- "Shut up, at least I believe in something!" Where to start, where to start... How about YOU PRETENTIOUS BITCH. SHUT THE FUCK UP. This was part of an exchange during lunch between a stuck-up, Catholic bitch and a freshman. I side with the freshman, so I didn't describe him in a negative light. Anyways, they were talking about... Something (I wasn't in the conversation). The fact that he was a fifteen year old athiest who has figured everything out came up, and he later said something negative about Catholicism or something, and then I realized that this story is falling apart. Anyways, don't believe in anything for the sake of being better than anyone else. At that point you're a jackass that would do him or herself, along with everyone else, some good by jumping from a great height down on to a strategically-placed bed of nails. Eff you, bia.
- "Just so you know, I do not want to be doing this." Yesterday, our family engaged in some mandatory yard labor. Somebody didn't want to spread pinestraw, and somebody made sure everyone knew. I'm sorry, but I didn't realize that somebody was a spoiled, Buckhead-dwelling, stuck-up, "my-nails-ain't-dry" bitch. Hey Kelley, those jeans are sixty fucking dollars*; don't get them! Let me assure you, an hour of spreading pine straw in the front lawn never did anyone any harm. I speak from experience. I went above the required ten bales and did FOURTEEN. Suck on that, bia.
One thing I love to do when with my dad is talk about radio. My dad used to enjoy listening to the radio here in Atlanta. I'm sure many people did. But the dark cloud of asshole corporate suits in New York and Los Angeles came in and decided that the dumb hicks here needed only certain types of stations and completely raped the radio industry here. He is kind of bitter about the whole thing, and if you bring it up, he will go on and on. I love listening to him rant and rave.
*Today, while shopping at teh GAPzorz, somebody wanted a pair of jeans, but was simply above the clearance rack, which the rest of the family picked from. That pair of jeans cost as much as everything else combined, which included several pairs of boxers, two t-shirts, a button down, a classy pair of slacks and some shit my other sister bought. Fuck if I know what that was. Girl shit, I guess. The Kelley thing is from the Shoes video, and has replaced Paris Hilton as somebody's supposed idol.
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