Like every other celebrity to recently die, people only care AFTER the heart stops beating. Seriosuly, quit. She wouldn't be the top story if she were still alive. No more.
It's been a while since I updated (I think). Warrants an update on "things":
- School is going better.
- Got a 2060 on my SAT. On the "old scale", that's a 1390. That's pretty good.
- Lent started. I gave up soda, being a dick to people and I resolved to be better about time management, like getting homework done and watching less TV. Important stuff, 'kay?
- Got into Stephen King. Thus far, I've read Cell and 'Salem's Lot. The Dead Zone is next. The Stand will be this summer, and I'll read Pet Semetary last. That was my dad's last, and he couldn't make it through. Paint me intrigued.
- "Broke up" with a girl. We never really dated... At all. But I cut all ties. It was like a high school drama show, and so I lost all interest in being her acquaintance.
I'm going spelunking this weekend with Claire and Starla and Logan and Andy and Dane and some extras. Redshirts. Psh.
I'ma post some rants from myspace. Yup, you guys get the leftovers. Mostly becuase no one reads this, so I figure no one'll notice/care.
"Some people can really be pricks about this whole college thing. Don't be one of them. I've noticed a lot of them lately. My best advice would be to: a) don't make a face when people say where they're going/want to go to college. I suppose if it's the rival of wherever YOU said you're going/want to go, it'd be okay, but otherwise... Cha. And b) don't make a face in response to hearing SAT scores. Really don't do anything negative, because that's just a prick thing to do. Unless you're really arrogant, most people tend to imagine people as being their mental equal. So when they hear other people's scores, they think "Gah, that's terrible"; but it's not. That person could have had a bad day, or they could just not be good at Standardized tests. So yeah, don't be a prick." --That was from when the SAT scores came out.
"I am so done with this. I've existed most of my life without drama, realizing very well that I don't live on Degrassi or the OC or Dawson or whatever. But some people... Some people simply cannot let me continue in my peaceful existance.
I tried to be civil. I tried to be nice. But apparently, I'm still a jerk. TRICK. I sat there and took at while you ignored me saying to be "just friends". But when I ignore you trying to work it out and make a relationship or whatever, I'm a jerk. You know what? Fuck you. And I don't mean that in the "let's hook up" sense. I don't want to talk to you any more. I don't want to recieve your text messages, or your phone calls. Leave me alone. When I said I didn't think a relationship would work out, I meant it. I'm sorry if you thought I was leading you on but I didn't mean to. I tried to be frriendly and you wouldn't have it, so we're done. " --This was my little "break up"
That's all I have left.
I know this is a stupid question to ask after all that has happened.
Can we just try to be friends?
I think I know your anwser. I would understand why you feel that way. It's just that...I NEVER ment for this to happen. Never. I wish that you could believe that. It's so hard to believe someone after they've been so haughty.
I know what I have to do.
I really really liked Insomnia and It, and I didn't like Pet Sematary at all. Maybe that's why your dad didn't want to finish it... His short stories are also amazing--pick up Different Seasons.
-Abby in NY
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