Monday, April 30, 2007
Prom Was Good.
Dot Com. I had a great time, which was, to say the least, suprising.
Sorry, I got distracted. When is this show going to be on DVD, with a diamond-encrusted special edition?
Anyways, prom. I wore the most awesome jacket ever. I'll get a picture later. I went with Claire, and we went with Logan and Starla. We had the best prom dinner ever (pizza and Coke) and then went to prom itself, where people marvelled over my fantastijacket and we ate Chick-Fil-A biscuits-aplenty. Then we left after what felt like no time at all but was in fact three hours.
I've pretty much left my little funk. It feels really good. I woke up Sunday morning and I was pretty much floating. I had a good day on Sunday as well. So yeah, now I'm good once more.
Sorry, I've been typing during commercial breaks. Have you seen this episode? I'm 3/4 the way through and... Oh my God.
So anyways, happy. Yay. But it isn't perpetual happiness. I was really disgruntled on the bus ride home. It was hot, I was sweatty and nasty and my headphones were fucked up. I got off and was irritable. But I finally could explain why I was so angry, which I couldn't have done a week ago. It's not a hopeless anger. It's a regular anger. No longer in despair.
Maybe you're wondering why Heroes is so amazing tonight. Two characters went into the future. Some pretty sick shit is going down. IT'S BACK. Bye.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Play That Funky Music, White Boy
Lately I've been in a huge funk. I've felt really lethargic and apathetic in every aspect of my life. I've stopped bitching (for the most part), I've lost all interest in the spring play (fingers crossed it gets canned before Friday) and I often find myself staring off into nothing. At this point, I'm attributing it to allergies.
We had to come up with our schedules for next year sometime in the past whenever. I walked into the hallowed halls of our fine academic institution telling myself "Two APs, take it easy next year." At 3:30 on whatever that day was (I think it was last Thursday), I held in my hand a sheet with FIVE AP CLASSES written on it. Holy fuck. I think I'm a masochist. Why would I do that to myself? I mean, the science one will fall three when I don't get a three on physics B, but still, FOUR APs? Shit. Eh, I'll change it later.
Prom is tonight. I'm really not sure how I feel about it. Unenthusiastic comes to mind, but then again, that's how I feel about everything.
Oh, the unfounded woes of suburban youth.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
In Defense Of Death Proof (SPOILERS for every movie mentioned hereafter)
Out of the seven people who saw Grindhouse, at least four have complained almost non-stop about how boring Death Proof was. Sure, it wasn't as good as Pulp Fiction or Kill Bill, or even the movie that came before it, Planet Terror. But if QT had skimmed over all the inane-yet-at-the-same-tiome-interesting girl talk and cut straight to the (SPOILER) awesome car wreck scene, where poor Jungle Julia learned why to keep your leg in the car at all times, it wouldn't have meant anything. Your're supposed to feel sorry for people who die in slasher movies. That's how you get scared. You're supposed to get attached, and so when you see that leg fly through the air and flop around like a dead fish, you're terrified. You've just spent all this time getting to know the girls, and like that, they're gone.
So shut up.
I saw two movies this weekend. On Friday, I saw In The Land of Women with Claire. It was her suggestion (it was a huge chickflick if ever there was one), but don't tell her that. It was AWFUL. I thought it would be a guilty pleasure-type, but that feeling went away the moment I realized it wasn't a comedy. Not at all. It was the whiniest, most anti-dick movie I've ever seen. It was a Lifetime movie of the week on the big screen. Here's the premise: Adam Brody writes softcore porn. Hot foreign model girlfriend dumps him. Sad. Mom tells him gramma is dying. Sadder. He goes to live with her. Meets rebel-artsy teen nextdoor, as well as her cancer-dying-of mother. They both want him (dad's been cheating). He wants neither. An hour and a half later, he leaves, everyone having learned a little bit about themselves. Except grandma. She's dead.
But then last night... I saw Hot Fuzz with Starla and her boyfriend, who I met for the first time last night. He was a cool guy. Anyways, Hot Fuzz was awesome. It was so much better than Shaun of the Dead, and I loved Shaun of the Dead. It was even gorier than Shaun of the Dead, and funnier to boot. Nick Frost, aside from Masi Oka is probably my favorite actor ever. Danny (his character) was absolutely hysterical. The death scenes were good too. And there was a twist I didn't see coming at all. The entire time, I sat there pointing at one character thinking, "Red herring", and then BAM! My world got rocked. So go see it (if you can find it. Fucking limited release, piss me off...)
But yeah, there we go. A nice movie post. And a rant or two or three.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
This is my 701st post
So I just finished watching Saturday Night Live, which had Shia Labeouf and Avril Lavigne. Shia was good, but Avril needs to cheer the fuck up. I mean, I know she's teh uber punkage, but she''s on SNL. The show's kind of a big deal. Maybe you could, you know, show a little enthusiasm? It's taxing to be rich, but just give it a shot.
Not sounding like shit might also be worthy of a go.
Disturbia was good. See it. But preferably without the Narrators. Who are the Narrators? They're the people you usually get in a theater who feel compelled to narrate what's going on. I can deal with the "Oh shit"s and the "Why'd he do that?"s, but when people say things like "There's the killer!", "The phone's out!" and the like, it's pretty painful. Yes, we know that such-and-such happened; we're watching the movie too. I swear, it's like some people have never been to a movie before.
I think it would be more pleasant if movie snobs were Narrators. For example, I read this morning that an orange is a forboding sign in movies (Godfather apparently used it, but I've... Not seen it). movie snob-Narrators would see something like that and not only narrate, stating that there is an orange on the screen, but they would also divinate, by reminding us that the orange means someone is going to die. That way, they're bringing something to the table instead of just stating the glaringly obvious.
I take that back. Obvious isn't sufficient. Major plot points aren't obvious. They're more obvious than obvious. They exist on a level such that it is not possible to be paying any sort of attention to the movie and still be unaware of the happening.
I really hate some people.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
My teen-angst switch has finally been... Switched.
That's right; I'm now officially an angsty teen. The kind who thinks of himself as a martyr; my suburban drama outweighs all the strife in the world today. My strife being that my Spanish teacher is a tyrannical bitch. Less than twelve hours before the end of the gradin period (which decides if you're in study hall or not), she put in a zero for a homework I forgot to do/turn in. As a test grade. My grade dropped 30 points. Needless to say, I was no longer passing. I see this at about 11 that night, with the grading period ending at 9 the next morning. I stay up until 1 doing it and send it in. She receives the e-mail before the deadline, but can't get on a computer. So I miss the 9 a.m. gradelock. Okay, I can deal; not her fault. But when asked if she would excuse everyone who had this happen (I wasn't the only one) from study hall, she said no; we could use it to study for Spanish.
My free period is the one time in the day when I can hang out with Starla and Claire and Annie. But for three or so weeks, I get to spend that time sitting in a classroom doing less homework than I normally do. The level of productivity is literally zilch. AND I SHOULDN'T EVEN BE IN THERE. MY GRADE ARE FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC. NO GRADE BELOW A B. THIS IS FUCKING RIDICULOUS. I'm a fairly good student. I've never been in study hall before. My SATs are good and I've got a decent class rank. And for thirteen hours last week, I was failing a class. I forget to do an assignment and because of this, I lose my free period for three weeks. That's bullshit.
This pretty much beought my entire week down. Everything that isn't great just feels like a kick in the balls now. I hate everything. I'm irritable and I just don't care hwat anyone has to say.
Fuck this shit.
Monday, April 09, 2007
How Does It Feel To Treat Me Like You Do?
Easter break, tragically, ends today. As I said before, this is a tragedy. Why? Because that means tomorrow, at 6:30, I will be awake. MEHHH.
I've come to the conclusion that my apprehensiveness of college aside, I am without a doubt looking forward to getting away from my sisters. I love them to death, but they're really fucking annoying. That's really the moral of this blog; "Ryan can't stand being with his sisters". All they do is talk and talk and, to be blunt, I don't care. They could be talking about what happened at school or what their friends said at lunch today or their dance classes; I just don't care. And the enlightened middle school input in every discussion gets old. Guess what? You have no idea what you're talking about. Not about prom, or dating, or what guys like to wear; none of that. Give up.
This seems/is infinitely mean-spirited, but it seems like either they've gotten worse or my tolerance of their shit has gone to shit.
My brother is yelling at his vidyogame and it's really stressing me out. I'm concerned.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Finger Puppets
It's quite bizarre, this collection of mine. Don't even ask, you wouldn't understand. BUT, you would buy them here. I got Buddha, Che and Frida on the Maine trip (damn, that was two years ago. Frightening). I got Bush, Kim Jong-Il, Saddam and Khamenei in an "Axis of Evil" box in Little Five Points in February. I bought Gandhi at Disney over Sprag Breek. I got Karl Marx, Teddy Roosevelt, Joan of Arc and Napoleon and the Authors set (Shakespeare, Dickens, Virginia Woolf and Tolstoy) today, for Easter. So yes, I am 16 and I still get toys as gifts. Sad? A little. But then again, you've never made a pornographic puppet show starring Buddha as a sex therapist helping the failing marriage between Che Guevara and Frida Khalo, now have you?
That's what I thought.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Sunday, April 01, 2007
I Get The Feeling...
...That Grindhouse will come to be known as the greatest film ever. It will sweep the Oscars, winning every award. Statues will be built to commemorate it, and politicians will run using their involvment in the film as a platform. It will cure every disease, end world hunger and bring about world peace. It will part the oceans and realign the constellations. In the future, when the last copy of the film is finally lost, the world...
...Will end.
IT IS EVERYTHING. (clickies)
I know I'm not exactly on the cutting edge here, but I just signed up for this site. It looked interesting enough, and it claims to help find new bands to listen to, which is something I often try and fail at. If you've got one, add me. My name is knifeyjames.
I was gonna go see HelloGoodbye today at Centennial, but it was raining. April showers... Man, fuck April showers. I wanted to go see hellogoodbye for free. How often is someone presented with an opportunity like that? And these 'cloud' assholes have to go and screw things up. Fuck the weather.
Rain actually isn't all bad. Except when it fucks up my plans. Pollen, on the other hand, is never good. Flowers? Fuck flowers. Pollen is one-hundred percent inconvenient.
The Kaiser Chiefs CD is excellent. Pure, sweet and undilluted excellence. Mmmmmmmm.
Prom is in less than a month. I am dreading this ridiculous celebration of nothing. Corsages for the ladies, buying/renting a tux, dinner plans. Argh. This is agravating. I know it sounds stupid, but I really have to go. Theym ake all the juniors do work on it, and that would be even stupider for me to help out with it and not go.
And for some reason, when I tell people that I'm going with a group rather than with one person, it's like I've got green skin or something. They're like, "...Huh? Is that even possible?" YARGH.
Augh, I Be Makin' Breakfast, Far I Got No Wife
I learned to cook this week. My dad taught me.
...Well, I can cook one thing: Eggy-In-The-Basket. It's good. No, it's awesolicious. And it reminds me of V For Vendetta. If I awoke to Natalie Portman handing me a plate of Eggy-In-The-Basket...
My hatred of American Idol is like a fountain that seems to be putting out more and more water all the time, even though that water wasn't there to begin with. That's right, my hatred for that show does not obey the law of conservation of mass. My hatred of American Idol could fuel a perpetual motion device. FOX 5 is not a legitimate news source, not because it consults FOX News, but because it reports on Idol incessantly. And those smarmy assholes are the whitest motherfuckers alive, even the black guy, who is whiter thant the white guy.
Why do people like Amrican Idol? ARGH.
This is a dud post. I'm sorry.
I'm facing the android's conundrum.