Sunday, April 01, 2007 (clickies)

Currently Listening To: Munich by Editors
I know I'm not exactly on the cutting edge here, but I just signed up for this site. It looked interesting enough, and it claims to help find new bands to listen to, which is something I often try and fail at. If you've got one, add me. My name is knifeyjames.

I was gonna go see HelloGoodbye today at Centennial, but it was raining. April showers... Man, fuck April showers. I wanted to go see hellogoodbye for free. How often is someone presented with an opportunity like that? And these 'cloud' assholes have to go and screw things up. Fuck the weather.

Rain actually isn't all bad. Except when it fucks up my plans. Pollen, on the other hand, is never good. Flowers? Fuck flowers. Pollen is one-hundred percent inconvenient.

The Kaiser Chiefs CD is excellent. Pure, sweet and undilluted excellence. Mmmmmmmm.

Prom is in less than a month. I am dreading this ridiculous celebration of nothing. Corsages for the ladies, buying/renting a tux, dinner plans. Argh. This is agravating. I know it sounds stupid, but I really have to go. Theym ake all the juniors do work on it, and that would be even stupider for me to help out with it and not go.
And for some reason, when I tell people that I'm going with a group rather than with one person, it's like I've got green skin or something. They're like, "...Huh? Is that even possible?" YARGH.


1 comment:

Bomber said...

People need to get over this whole Prom deal. SO WHAT IF YOU DON'T HAVE A FUMMING "DATE"? People are stupid.


(random anger)
