Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Currently Listening To: Liquorice Bloosports by Gay Against You (my new favorite band... Sorry Klaxons)
Nonono, not in the emo, my-emotions-are-suffocating-me manner of speaking, but the I-have-allergies-and-even-if-I-liked-nature-I-don't-think-it-would-be-worth-this-to-see-some-flowers way. Fuck this shit. I mean, during the AP Spanish exam today, I kept sneezing and sneezing and I didn't have any tissue so I had to sacrifice useo f my left hand and that's just not very pleasant. Gross, cha'know?

And then not too long ago I was constantly sneezing for at least thirty seconds. Allergies are bullshit. Who the hell thought that was a good idea?

And an even better story: there's a speaking section on the Spanish exam. This requires you to speak into a tape recorder based on these campy little prompts. I have no idea
  • Where they buy tape recorders.
  • Why they choose to use them rather than a more advanced form of technology.
  • How to work one.

This last one is the central plot of my funny story. After the dialogue, the ominous voice on the tape told me to pause and wait for further instruction. I suppose he said to un-pause and I just didn't hear so I forgot all about it. Several minutes later, after babbling on and on in Spanish about some stupid, irrelevant topic, he tells me I'm done. Great. I let go of the 'record' button, but it doesn't seem to do anything.

It had been paused the entire time. Not a single word got recorded. Fuck me gently with a chainsaw.

I work rearry hard to make up great prans,
but nobody ristens, no one understands...

1 comment:

Bomber said...

Soon enough you'll be able to breath again eh? As for your spanish exam...er....shit. Well I hope it turns out well enough.

Fuck you gently with a chainsaw? Wouldn't that be terribly uncomfortable?

Allegies go away. Get meds for it. Drugs make everything better!