Sunday, March 13, 2005

"Here's Your SOME Fish Sticks"

So today is Saturday(or maybe Sunday), which makes yesterday Friday. And since we already had Mardi Gras, but not Easter, that means it is lent. Which means us CARZY CATHOLICS and... ECENTRIC (I guess) EPISCOPALIANS (We love gay people. They're GREAT) cannot eat meat on Fridays. And despite the fact that I attend a Christian school, the Catholics and Episco-fucking-palians are severly discriminated against; those damn heathens refuse to serve non-meat shit at lunch. But this past Friday, they actually served fish. So I was all, "Hey, can I have some fish sticks, please?" And the guy was like, "Some fish sticks? Here's your some fish sticks," and he threw one on the plate. That bastard. So I went to the table and told my peers about the cocksucking mother fucker who was so rude to me (even though I didn't really care), and we decided to do an experiment. First, we sent up a hoss/bigun' to ask for some fishsticks. He returned with one. Then we sent a girl, who returned with one. Then a scrawny little boy named after a Muppet(You know who you are, GROVER) and then a vegetarian. They all returned with one each. We concluded that I ate all the numerous fish sticks borught back, therefore beating the Man. We also concluded that Butch the lunchman is a bitch. You know, Butch-bitch. Yeah.

So today/yesterday(Saturday), the family and I went to see Robots. It was TERRIBLE. Two words: communist propoganda. And I am not even shitting you. The movie was all about defeating capitalism and shit. You know, for the good of the common man? So I must now battle the commies and prevent them from brainwashing children. It is also worth noting that everyone in the theater was high. They would laugh hysterically at the lamest jokes. That or the brainwashing had given them a labatomy. There was this one guy I was tempted to murder because he was laughing so loud and clapping and shit. My sister was sad because she slept through, but I was glad because I knew that at least one person in my family will not become a commie.

"Negative, I am a meat popsicle."-Bruce Willis, The Fifth Element

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