Thursday, June 02, 2005

You know what I'm tired of?

You know what I'm REALLY tired of?

People who complain about cursing and say that people who curse are just too stupid to think of anything else to say. 'Slike, if I were to cut off one of these people's arms with a chainsaw, am I honestly expected to believe that they'll just shake it off, keep going, just say, "Oh, dear. I guess I'm better off without it." I mean, damn these people piss me off. And how far up their *rears* are their heads? Calling people who do curse un-intelligent? What are we, in kindergarten? Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them stupid you SHITEATING MOTHER FUCKING DUMBASS. GO TO HELL. CUNTASSDYKEBITCH.

Tomorrow, my brother and I are going to be forced to endure the first of eight days of agonizing hell with my church's youth group in the wilderness. I'm going to call my mom ever day and let her know just how agonizing it is so the guilt can build up inside of her and eat away at her until we get back. That is, if we get back. No one bothered to ask if anyone knew CPR and there will be no hospitals for about 100 miles. We also aren't allowed to bring cellphones, but they did give us whistles, so if I get lost and my leg is broken and I'm bleeding to death, I can always whistle for an ambulance. No iPods, either, so I have to converse with those assholes for a week. TO MY MOTHER: I'm sorry for whatever I did to piss you off this bad. Just keep in mind that I'm putting you in a home when you get old, all because of this. That way, you can always have the thought in the back of your head that your agony could have been prevented by making me happy. And for once, making me happy doesn't involve you spending money; it involves you SAVING money. For God's sake, save it for college tuitions! DAMN I AM PISSED.

EDIT: And now I'm REALLY pissed because I just learned that the title of Your Communist Penpal's newest album has already been taken. This is an OUTRAGE! Green Means Go is the best album title EVER! And someone took it! Those shit eating pig fuckers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least we can all look forward to a good blog entry when you get back!

Have fun with Jesus!