Sunday, October 02, 2005 - DeLay foresees return to leadership role - Oct 2, 2005

Tom Delay is a skanky whore and will make your dreams come true for two shiny pennies.

Actually, I hardly even know who the hell he is. Some incarnation of the Man, I assume.


Anonymous said...

"If convicted, DeLay could face up to two years in prison and fines up to $10,000."

10,000? ONLY?

I've been meaning to ask you. Who is "the Man" and why is he repressing you? ^_^

Clive Dangerously said...

Did I say repressed? I meant oppressed. The Man doesn't actually opress me personally, but people in general. The concept of the Man came from 1970's blaxploitation movies like Shaft, Supafly and Foxy Brown.

Anonymous said...

Ugh, I meant "oppressed" not repressed.

Ah ha... well I've never seen any of those movies. The Man is more of a symbol, then... ah.