Monday, October 17, 2005


Currently Listening To:Burning Down the House by the Talking Heads
Okay... So, Diary of a Fat Kid. Yay or nay? I think it would be more fitting. Thoughts of a Fat Kid, Adventures of a Fat Kid, I don't know, Some whiny kid is just getting old. I suppose I'd get feedback if anyone actually read this, but whatever.

And I may change my moniker to Antoine Scoffney, though none of you would get it.


Anonymous said...

Just cruising the net and came across this great blog - excellent articles - Philip
If you have a moment please take a look at my site: Air Filters

Anonymous said...

i like diary of a fat kid.
i'd think of more unique ones but i'm still disappointed in you not actually knowing everything. gosh ryan.

Anonymous said...

I say go for the Diary of a Fat Kid. If I was blogsurfing, I'd stop at a blog that was titled "Diary of a Fat Kid."

Antoine... dammit. I hate that name! Bad memories of a child prodigy.

Anyhow, ring me up sometime, Clive. I'm honestly taking you up on your offer. The mobile is 248-410-0092. And any other random stalkers that peruse this blog. I'm in need of something interesting.

Anonymous said...

By the by, I just realized you've turned 15 sometime between now and before. Happy birthday.

I forgot to mention that I also want to talk to you because your voice is fucking hot.

Anonymous said...

“Janisse Ray knows that her region's story and her own story are inseparable; in many ways they are the same story. To tell that story as well as she tells it here is at once to show what has gone wrong and to light the way ahead. This book, clearly, is only a beginning. It is well done and is very moving.” —Wendell Berry

He rocks.

Anonymous said...

“Janisse Ray knows that her region's story and her own story are inseparable; in many ways they are the same story. To tell that story as well as she tells it here is at once to show what has gone wrong and to light the way ahead. This book, clearly, is only a beginning. It is well done and is very moving.” —Wendell Berry

Clive Dangerously said...

Oooh, hiding behind the mask of anoniminity. Anonymousiminity. Hell, I don't know how it be spelt. Speel it yourself. Anyways, this Wendell character sounds like a crackpot.