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Friday, December 30, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005 - Florida teen skips school, sneaks to�Iraq - Dec 29, 2005
I Can Make Stuff Happen With My Mind
Last night, we were watching Into the Blue, starring some sharks and Jessica Alba's ass. Towards the end, my brother and I were talking about how much better it was than expected when I said, "At least no one has gotten hit in the balls. I hate it when that happens in movies. It's so not funny." No less than ten seconds later, Jessica Alba sterilized some poor bastard. With a lead pipe or maybe her leg. I wasn't really paying attention. Anyways, my brother started yelling at me for ruining the movie. Trying to make a quick save, I said "At least I don't have a million dollars."
It didn't work.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - Beauty store robbed - Dec. 28 20pi
Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - Bush hopes for better year in 2006 - Dec 26, 2005
EDIT: Nevermind, there was this one time when I was like, this year was too good, next year needs to be more crappy.
Monday, December 26, 2005 - Canadian 'swingers' cheer ruling on sex clubs - Dec 26, 2005
Kong: The Worst Movie Ever?
You'd better believe it.
Got back about 20 mintues ago from that travesty. I don't even know where to begin. The best way I can describe it is by referencing one scene about an hour and a half into the movie. The main lady, having entertained the ape before by doing some tricks, does the same tricks again, hoping to make him happy. He yawns. That pretty much sums the movie. Peter Jackson doing the same things he's done before, while I, a 60 foot gorilla, yawn. Here's another visual: Me looking over at my brother a few minutes after this scene to see him listening to his mp3 player.
Normally I'm upset when people talk during movies. But by the end of this one, I was wishing the country bumpkin a few rows back had decided to flirt with his sister instead of watch the movie. The movie was that bad. Even I was talking by the end. Talking about how bad it was. The acting. The special effects. The dialogue. The list goes on and on. This wouldn't have been a problem if everyone in the movie industry didn't want a chance to blow Peter Jackson's dork. Instead of telling him how awful and boring the movie was, the execs at Universal were like, "Yay! I loved it." Apparently, at a private screening for said execs, they decided to cut twenty seconds of footage. THE MOVIE IS THREE HOURS LONG AS IT IS. Could they really not have come up with more to cut? I could have. I would have cut the first hour and fifteen minutes and then the last 20 or so minutes. Only then would the high cheese factor have been bearable. Peter Jackson; you are on my list. My list of people who need to be hit in the face with a satchel of corn pone. You best watch out.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Friday, December 23, 2005 - Man mistakenly left in jail for 15 months - Dec 23, 2005
The Most Pretentious Thing I've Ever Heard
So I'm watching the tube when this commercial comes on. It's all, "POP MUSIC IS DEAD. REAL MUSIC IS OUR PASSION". It's a Hawthorne Heights commercial. Ha! If anyone shouldn't be calling another type of music fake, it's that band. That entire genre's legitimacy is up for debate.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Montana gets $260K from DirecTV to settle suit over advertising -
Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - No�New York�buses, subways for�second day - Dec 21, 2005
Me Watching Lord of the Rings
Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - Hundreds gather for Williams' funeral - Dec 20, 2005 - Poll: More Americans prefer 'Merry Christmas' greeting - Dec 20, 2005
And that's why the world needs to be nuked 9 times so we can start over again with a clean slate and not be so vain. - Report: Gwen Stefani pregnant - Dec 20, 2005
Penguin Snatched For Christmas Gift
I had this plan when I was younger. I was going to steal a penguin from Seaworld and let him live in a walk-in freezer I would build in our backyard and we'd watch TV while eating fish every afternoon. That plan didn't really pan out.
Katrina Biggest Dead Horse of Year
If that's what it had been about, I'd agree. I'm sorry for all the people whose lives were destroyed by it but it's not the first natural disaster in history, nor is it the first in that area, nor will it be the last. Let me tell you a story. This year, at the start of October, it was around 70 degrees outside in Minnesota. Three days later, BAM! Three feet of snow. They weren't expecting it. Didn't have a clue it was coming. So where did they go from there? THEY PULLED THEIR SHIT TOGETHER, SHOVELED THE SNOW AND GOT BACK TO WORK. Moral of the story? Don't elect inept/corrupt officials.
Monday, December 19, 2005 - Iraq speeches, election don't help Bush - Dec 19, 2005
Sunday, December 18, 2005
First Coast News | Top Stories - Two Missing After Vilano Beach Plane Crash
This article is a little dated. My brother's girlfriend got a call 30 minutes ago, saying one of the girls had died. - Time names Bono, Bill and Melinda Gates Persons of Year - Dec 18, 2005
Paris Hilton
Angelina Jolie and that guy's collection of adopted babies
Scientology(Yes, it is a person and has feelings)
Abe Lincoln
Baby Jesus
And then we'd put them in a house for a month. They'd stop being nice, and start being real. The Real World.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Anti-smoking/drug commercials, in my mind, define irony. The message behind pretty much all of the commercials is "It's cool to not do drugs because people only do drugs to be cool to begin with." Why is it that everything has to be cool? Why can't people do things becuase they honestly believe in it or truly want to do it? I was reading an article the other day about how Jesus/Christianity has become so cool and it made me sick. Not only because so many kids just go to church to fit in, but also that these preachers and priests are advocating it. Desperation to get people to come to church is, in my mind, fueled by greed. They don't want these kids to come to church to 'save' them or whatever. They want them to come so their parents come and they want their parents to drop some dimes in the collection plate. This is just like getting kids to not smoke/do drugs because they think it's cool to not do them. Then they become the zombies they would hvae become if they fried their brains on acid. They're still not thinking for themselves, which is worse than kids being addicted to nicotene in my mind.
While we're on the subject of coolness, if you want to beat the bandwagon to the next cool music channel, grab the remote, drop FUSE, and go to IMF. All the cool kids will be doing it shortly. This way, you can be all, "I watched IMF before it was cool." Don't worry about actually listening to the music. It's good(equal ammounts of all types of music but country) but you weren't listening to the music on FUSE...
or MTV2...
or MTV to begin with.
EDIT: I was re-reading this so I can ignore all the grammerticle errors in the post when I noticed the lack of cussin'. To make up for it, fuck, fuck, mother-mother fuck-fuck, noiche, noiche, noiche, one, two, one two three four, noiche, noiche, noiche, smokin weed, smokin weed.
Doin' coke, drinkin beers. Drinkin beers, beers beers. Rollin' fatties, smokin blunts. Who smokes the blunts? We smoke the blunts.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - Die at your own risk, mayor proposes - Dec 13, 2005 - Wife: Child groom is 'no victim' - Dec 13, 2005
So former President Ford is in the hospital. All I can say to that is: Who?
Oh, and about these teachers... Dem bitches. All they talk about is how lazy kids get 'round HOLIDAY time, but that's not the truth. Kids never care about school save for the mutant ones. Know what's REALLY going down? The rest of the school's getting lazy. Teachers, administrators, school supplies. Yeah, school supplies. As long as the 3 numbers I put in for my lock are relatively close to the real one, it lets me in. What a lazy fuck for a lazy kid. But back to the point. I'm tired of teachers going on about the period between Thanksgiving break and Decemberween break. "Oh, we've got so much to do! CRAMCRAMquizquiztestpaperCRAMCRAM" Yeah, I think I'll pass. Spend more time, say, teaching, and you won't feel so pressed for time. And don't feel the need to give out the max number of assignments. Do as many as you'r normally do in three weeks, which is 100% not what we're getting. Boo you whores. Yes, I just quoted Mean Girls. Lyke, gAg Me WiTh A **sPoOn*** lol!!!1!! Damn it pisses me off how some folk type like that. Some folk need to go choke on a chubby.
Monday, December 12, 2005 | 12/06/2005 | 'Holy' Funyun sells for $609
Saturday, December 10, 2005 - Farrelly brothers take on Special Olympics - Dec 9, 2005
eBay: Star Wars ROTS c-3P0 Gift from whore ex-girlfriend
Oh, the hilarity!
"Oh the hilarity"? Wow, that sounds really lame. My parents were right, I do suck.
Bee-tee-double-you, Richard Pryor died, which means Comedy Central will have to stop showing the Richard Pryor "I ain't dead yet" show every freaking weekend.
Thursday, December 08, 2005 - Plane slides off runway at Midway - Dec 8, 2005
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Say Goodbye To Doing The Dishes!
If only this had come up before Thanksgiving. Then I would have done less work than I already did. So really all that would have changed is that no one would have had a reason to remind me of how lazy and worthless and so much of a leech on society I am.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Algebra Was A Bloodbath Today
So today in math, while busy not paying attention, I was picking at this scab on my finger. No big deal, minor masochism as usual. So I glance over at my paper and then back at my finger and it is COVERED IN BLOOD. I was all, "zomfg, t3h fingr is bloodey lololzorz holy crap!" Being the brilliant young man I am, I decide to wipe it on my hand instead of, say, getting a Band-Aid or something of the like. Moments later, I realize it is still bleeding profusely. Then I get another brilliant idea. PAINT MY HAND WITH BLOOD. AND I DID. WHAT A LITTLE GOTH BITCH.
SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD JENNA IS A KILLER. Or so the commercial that keeps coming on says. I hate this kid. She is a vicious killer. She killed her "friend" by slamming her 90-pound body into his seat during a car accident. All because he was black. What a bitch. Well, that's not really how it played out, but whatever. Wal-Mart, however, really is racist. They had this commercial where it was all, "We sell board games" and then it shows a kid playing Operation and it says "FUTURE BRAIN SURGEON". Then a kid playing Monopoly is declared a future entrepreneur. Here's the racist part. A black kid is playing Trouble. What is he? A future trouble-maker. Those racist bitches.
This movie would have been better if something ate Gilbert Grape at the end. Something really unlikely and random and such, like a banana. That would be funny because Gilbert Grape was eaten by a banana, the archnemesis of grapes.