Friday, December 23, 2005

The Most Pretentious Thing I've Ever Heard

Currently Listening To: ffgrthdhgggarglefrabble
So I'm watching the tube when this commercial comes on. It's all, "POP MUSIC IS DEAD. REAL MUSIC IS OUR PASSION". It's a Hawthorne Heights commercial. Ha! If anyone shouldn't be calling another type of music fake, it's that band. That entire genre's legitimacy is up for debate.


Clive Dangerously said...


Anonymous said...

YAY! People who dislike Hawthorne Heights. Apparently they're a very popular underground band... what a paradox.

Thank you for making me much happier. ^_^

Anonymous said...

They really can't speak English that well.

In one commerical, they were like, "Pop is dead. Join us in the murder."

If it's already dead, there's no need for a murder, femos!