Monday, April 28, 2008

What's Going On In Your Life?

Currently Watching: The Ten
Well, okay, I was really only asking so that I could inversely tell you how I am doing.

First, I've just finished the play. It sucked up all my time during those last few weeks, leaving me bitchy and tired all the time. Driving home after midnight isn't so fun when it's raining really hard and you're sleepy.

One time I fell asleep while driving and was like an inch away from t-boning this flower van. Comical, to be sure.

So yeah, the play left me whiny and disgruntled. Which really wasn't much of a change I guess... But that big ol' time suck left me very little time for...

My girlfriend.

Yes, you read that correctly. The little nerd you've been following intently like your favorite VH1 reality show for the past four years has a real girlfriend. And she has a name. It is Adrienne.


That is her. If you're feeling excessively voyeuristic, you can check out all the fun pictures on flickr

1 comment:

Yedna said...

Congratulations Clive. Cute girl!