Tuesday, October 17, 2006

iHate 2.0

Currently Listening To: Sun/Rise/Light/Flies by Kasabian
I really, really hate car commercials. They pretty much epitomize 45 year old ad execs trying to relate to today's youth... And failing miserably. Car commercials=NOT COOL. And I really wish old people would give the internet the ol' shut-the-fuck-up. Stop talking about youtube, myspace, facebook... Just stop. Old people aren't supposed to relate with kids. Think about it this way, you geriatric bastard: If Senator McCarthy had been rocking out to Buddy Holly fifty years ago, you would lose all interest in those records. Same thing here. Back to the point: Let's face it, your car isn't all that impressive and not-so-funny jokes and gags don't do much to help. I feel like thirty seconds of friends is thrown at me during every commercial break. MAKE IT STOP.

On the other hand, iGetoffto the new Kasabian CD. It's pure magick. Go buy it... Three times. Kasabian needs the cash. I would go see them in concert this November, but it's the night before my Physics exam, so balls to that.

This suit is nooot blaaack. Borat will likely be the cinematic event of the millenium. Check it, bitches.


Anonymous said...

And you thought I didn't read your blog anymore. Pssh.

Clive Dangerously said...

Ha. You clearly didn't read my post. This doesn't count.