Monday, February 12, 2007

Old Man

Old Man
Originally uploaded by CliveDangerously.
So last Thursday/Friday was Ugly Naked Thursday/Friday. Basically, it was Annie, Claire, Starla and I making fun of the popular kids, because we're emo goth kids and that's how we roll. The popular kids have this thing called ugly naked Thursday, where they don't dress to impress, leaving their hair bands and North Face jackets at home and dress comfortably. How modest of them! They also like to take picutres of them doing nothing in particular. So that's what we did. Annie managed to get like 50 pictures of NOTHING AT ALL. Just us sitting around for a while during 6th. It was so much fun. So check the flickr for a few more pictures that I found to be noteworthy for one reason or another.

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