Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A Weekend In The City

Currently Listening To: I Still Remember by Bloc Party
Today, in the fine piece of publication known as the Atlanta Journal Constitution, I read a review of Bloc Party's new album. They gave it a C. I really wish I had seen the Fall Out Boy review prior to reading the Bloc Party one, so I could properly put things in perspective; they gave Infinity on High a B. That's better than what Dawn of the Dead got. Nothing Fall Out Boy could ever dream of recording could ever top Dawn of the Dead. Bloc Party's new album is far from "suffering from the sophomore slump" or whatever. It's great; it's inspiring; it almost made me cry. The list now is Weekend in the City, Dawn of the Dead, Children of Men and Crash.

Beautiful, beautiful album.


AND I got the new Kaiser Chiefs single. Yours Truly, Angry Mob will be an awesome album if ever there was one. "Ruby Ruby Ruby..." It won't make me cry, becuase that's just not what Kaiser Chiefs is. But maybe I'll go kick some babies or something.

I got the Stephen King brick Cell today. It's about zombies apparently. I like zombies. But of course, I've added another to the growing list of books I've read part of. I need to stop buying books and actually finish some. I mean, holy crap. And in other news, I've realized my English teacher is completely devoid of any emotion whatsoever. Happy? Sad? Excited? None of these mean anything to him. He always feels the same. There are two theories to explain this:
  • Former porn star. Vintage porn. The Sexy Schnozz or something. Way back when.
  • He watched helplessly as an orphanage burned down. An orphanage housing his long lost son whom he was about to meet. On Christmas.

...But we may never know the truth.

It may be time for another moniker makeover. Clive Dangerously may be gone in favor of Knifey James, which is a name people actually call me. Only time will tell. Or the Sexy Schnozz. He might tell ja.

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