Sunday, May 27, 2007

A Weekend With The Baptists

Asteroid Jesus
Originally uploaded by CliveDangerously.
Last weekend, I left school early and jumped onto the covered wagon with my mom and sister up to North Carolina. What the fuck is in North Carolina, and why am I there all the time? Well, first of all, the worst part of North Carolina is... Well, I'd guess it's as bad as the worst part of Georgia, and Atlanta is great, but by-and-large, North Carolina's better. Secondly, fuck you.

Well, my mom is really involved with the alumni of the camp she went to/worked at when she was a kid, and so every summer she goes up to help clean up before it opens for the season. I regularly tag along.

...They're Baptists. I'm not. Like, I'm REALLY not. I'm everything the Baptists aren't. So basically, it's an exercise in me not sayign anything for a weekend. I mean, they think "damn" is a bad work if God isn't damning something to hell, and for me, not swearing is not speaking. But it's interesting because it shows that if I ever had to work at like an old folks home or something, I could censor the swearing. And it humanizes the bapists. If I didn't do this, in my mind, they'd just be some ominous organization that I blame everything on. And I usually knock a book or two out. Speaking of which, I was really unimpressed with the most recent Crichton book. It was quite unremarkable.

You may wondering, "What the fuck is an Asteroid Jesus?" Well, I had a dream last Thursday. It was of a man (Jesus) riding an asteroid (Asteroid Jesus) through space. Then, later in the week, I had a dream in math class the he destroyed the world by flying the asteroids through the ozone layer (check the flickr/facebook).

I'm a disturbed young man. I oughta write this shit down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha yeah bonnie and me have been really bored studying for exams. but don't worry, i'm done calling you, because yeah i know from personal exprience how annoying it can be.

bonnie got me to delete your number lol.

see you at school burger king.