Thursday, September 20, 2007

Currently Listening To: A Question of Time by Depeche Mode
While I lack something of actual substance to post, I thought that I would let any interested parties know that, were I to chart my emotional state over an extended period of time, the chart would look like mountain range or the heart rate monitor thing at the hospital, and right about now, I'd be down at the nadir (that, my friends, is a good vocab word; write it down). School isn't getting me down or anything (though I am welcoming this weekend eagerly). I'm just not happy. That's the worst kind of sadness; nothing's actually wrong, you're just sad.

I suppose that's just part of being a teenager. When I'm an adult, periods of unhappiness won't necessarily be periods of sadness. I just won't be either, which is fine by me.

It's weird that I'm feeling like this, because yesterday morning, I was riding on the biggest high I'd ever felt. Everywhere I went, it was like a chorus of people was whistling a happy tune and birds were chirping and the sun was shining and everything was well.

Maybe my being raped by a clown last night has something to do with it.

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