Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mystery illness strikes after meteorite hits Peruvian village

Currently Listening To: Black Holes & Revelations by Muse (THE ENTIRE ALBUM... ISN'T THAT COOL?)

More like, "Mystery Illness strikes ME After I Hit Your Mom Last Night". Oooh, burn.

Sorry, I thought that was clever.

That's a link, by the way.

Know what isn't clever, and is in fact quite annoying? The answering machine on our home phone. It's a combination of two things: Down in the basement, I can totally hear that loud-ass phone when it rings, and then when no one picks it up (we're all pretty lazy), I have to sit and listen to the whole message-leaving schpiel. Secondly, our outgoing message is not someone people would actually be calling the house for saying "We're not here right now". Instead, it's my sister, who (incorrectly) thought it would cute/clever/scene to record her own outgoing message, just so people know she lives here too.

I think it's more annoying when I'm calling the house and I have to sit through that. Outgoing messages are annoying. I just want to leave you a message, not hear your fucking life story.

That's been bothering me for ages. Nice to get it off my chest.

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