Friday, June 09, 2006

The 2006 Clive Dangerously Film Festival


So... Hanging out this week pretty much entirely by myself. And TV is pretty lame during the day, so I have been watching a lot of movies. We've got EMPIRE OF THE SUN. It's a lesser-known Spielberg movie, and I felt quite intellectual and better than everyone else while watching it. Then... Firewall. I pretty much had this one figured out from the beginning. You could see pretty much every twist in advance, but it wasn't bad. I like Harrison Ford's angry voice. He's so funny when he's growling. I can just imagine him shouting "GET OFF MY PLANE!" at any point in time. The next night my dad and I went to the theatre (Notice how I spelled it in a fancy way?) and saw THANK YOU FOR SMOKING, which I expected to be like a fictional-spin on a Michael Moore book. But it was incredibly apolitical, as in, not politically charged. Just really fucking funny. It also had Cameron Bright, who up until then, was my archnemesis. I just plain used to not like him. I felt that he ruined many a movie for me. But he was awesome in "Thank You...", simply perfect for the role. Rob Lowe's character reminded me of Kevin Nealon in Granma's Boy, and that movie was fucking hysterical, so Rob Lowe was hysterical. After the movie, I had one of the rip-off ChickFilA sammiches from Mickey D's. It was okay, but the pickles were like, disgusting. and everywhere. It was me vs. the pickels, and I almost lost.

Actually, now that I think about it, I might have seen Firewall AFTER "Thank You...". Another thing about summer, aside from being alone, I cannot place things in a timeline. The other day, my dad asked me what I had to eat that day, as my diet has become a common topic as of late, and I told him. A bowl of Kix. Trouble is, I suddenly remember that I hadn't eaten Kix sense... Well, months before that. I remembered sometihng that never happened. I also cannot tell you what day it is. Anyways, back to movies. I watched Fat Albert, Batman, Batman Begins, Waiting and Eurotrip. Fat Albert was instantly forgettable, aside from being awful, and the rest of the movies I had already seen. That's why I watched them. So this film festival was pretty lame. I rented "The Squid and the Whale", but I read the back of the case when I got home from Blockbuster (WHICH I walked to, by the way) and apparently there is NO epic battle between a large squid and a land-whale. DAMN.

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