Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Nothing to say.


Anonymous said...

They don't work! They'll help you out get an sizegenetics, but that is about all, and getting an sizegenetics has never been a problem for me, so the pump was simply a waste of money.But what about penis sizegenetics sizegenetics and lotions? Forget about them! How could any pill or lotion give you a bigger penis? Now, if ever the makers of Viagra brought out a penis sizegenetics pill, I can be tempted to give it a try, but otherwise, no thank you.Founded upon this man's experience, and my own opinion as an effective researcher and reviewer in the field, if you love a bigger penis, you've got to be prepared to work for it.

Anonymous said...

Дарите женщинам цветы не порно да задорно случайно ли у статуи свободы нет кольца на безымянном пальце