Friday, July 14, 2006

911: Government-Funded Dating Service

Currently Watching: Land of the Dead
It bothers me that in a world where Lebanon and Israel are bombing the fuck out of each other, North Korea is threatening to do the same and the biggest civil rights debate since the sixties is taking place, a woman is being sent to court for calling 911 without a good reason. A few things to point out here:
  1. 911 is for emergencies. She's lonely, which could potentially be an emergency if she was like depressed or something.
  2. Kids crank call 911 all the time, and I haven't seen ANY sort of action taken on a single nose-picker.
  3. They say she was tying up the phone lines, but let's face the facts: There are no emergencies in Aloha, Oregon. Except for, say, tonight's regularly scheduled programming not being aired. Relax, bitches. You're the police force of bumblefuck, quit taking youself so seriously.

Riley Denbow is my hero. A year later and he and Pillsbury are still the biggest badasses not including Samuel L. Jackson.


vapcguy said...

Is there a link to this story? What her consequences were? This could help others that try to prevent people from calling 911, that end up arrested for doing so, when the call shouldn't be made (yeah, in Va it's against the law to prevent that call from being made, even when to call them is ridiculous... but then I think they have laws against calling 911 when it shouldn't be, too... still researching...).

Clive Dangerously said...

The title of the post is also a link, but being that the article is four years old (and not the most noteworthy article), it is now gone from CNN.