Sunday, January 16, 2005

New Page Header

Since you crack heads, bitches and chicken humpers claim I don't bitch and moan about stuff anymore, I decided to change my blog title back to the original. How that addresses your complaints still escapes me.

Seeing as I'm kind of on the fence with you guys, the following complaint will be formulated by YOU. That's right, I'm on strike. Here's the premise. My bitch of a sister + my school +testing for entrance to my school. In case you morons are too inept to put that together, my sister will be visiting my school tomorrow and will most definitely be showing off too EVERYONE. To make matters worse, she is applying to my school, which means there is a high possibility(two siblings already enrolled+relatively high test score+parents who will not need scholarships=admittance) of her getting in, which means even more embarrassment. FUCK.


Anonymous said...

i love you ryan gaffney.
and robert, too.
but mainly you.

elephant juice! elephant shoe! w/e it is.


sarah kate the sexy

polly conway said...

kid, you are freaking hilarious. seriously. your blog almost makes me miss the excruciating pain of high school.

Clive Dangerously said...

Sarah Kate IS sexy, but at least 12 years younger than you, Me. I changed the creepy profile as well. And I forgot what the other comment was.