Saturday, January 01, 2005

The Worst Holiday Ever

Let me begin by stating that New Years is the worst national holiday known to man. Every T.V. station is televising the drop some large spherical object that's a direct rip-off of the big ball in Times Square. The 'possum drop is the only worthwhile one. The other stupid thing is that they've managed to draw a ten second countdown and a few minutes of mindless zombies cheering into a two-hour special, held together by washed-up has-beens playing the song that made them famous- famous one-hit-wonders, that is- and a few other songs they want to promote that are really shitty and you never heard for a reason. Maybe I'll learn to like the holiday better when I'm old enough to drink (or invited to parties with booze) and I can go out to party and stuff. Then the first would be hangover day, like Comedy Central said.

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