Sunday, May 29, 2005 - Quiet Piano Guy Discovered To Be Baby-Eating Commie - Today


United We Lay said...

I find your reference to the "Piano Man" as a commie extremely offensive, and since this is your site, that's all I'll say in the way of chastizment. Just so you know, the Czechs have been fighting against the communists for almost 100 hundred years now.

Clive Dangerously said...

I didn't say that in reference to the fact that he is possibly Czech. I call everyone commies. And why weren't you offended by the fact that I said he eats babies? He could be from some remote island off the coast of South america that's been fighting against cannibals for almost 100 years.

United We Lay said...

Thank you for your apology on my website. It takes a big man to admit when mistakes have been made. As for the babies, that was offensive as well, but I could prove he wasn't a commie and so I left the rest alone. Remember, words have power.

Anonymous said...

"Miss Consulting,"

Clive made no mistakes.

He uses satire that I find very interesting, and whether or not you are, you made yourself sound very pompous and condescending through your comment. His interesting twists and perspectives on the "daily news" keep me entertained, and that's keeping in mind that I am Catholic and we debate about everything under the sun. So, if you're looking to spread your knowledge, I would start at a teenager's blog who uses bad grammar and confuses the spellings of "your" and "you're." There are some great emo kids I could recommend to you on xanga.

Are you offended because you eat babies?

I'm a little confused.