Monday, May 22, 2006

I think I regained my attention span

Currently Listening To: Derpa Derpa Derp
I read two books this weekend. Suffice it to say, I think I no longer have the attention span of a fly. Having read two books, I will start a book club.

Wait a tic, I've already done that. Like, ages ago. Long attention span, short-term memory. Anyways, two books. State of Fear by Crichton and Velocity by Koontz. I liked the first one because of the ligntning, cannibalism, intrigue and because now I don't fear global warming. Oops, ruined the book. I liked the second because there was murder in it. MURDER. And intrigue and alcoholics. The main character was, after all, a barkeep.

I've developed a serious man crush on Bill Crudup. While I was reading those two books, the entire time I was planning them out as if I were to make them into movies. If I did, Billy Crudup would be the main character in both. Then he could do the thing where he's like, "Pants with zipper: 20 dollars. Metal buckle belt: 15 dollars. Being struck by lightning with no clothes on with a naked chick: priceless."

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