Monday, July 09, 2007

Fool Me Once... Shame On... Shame On You

Currently Listening To: Machinehead by Bush

If fooled, you can't get fooled again.

Today, I proved that statment wrong. For what is probably the hundredth time in my life, I got a sunburn today. A really, really bad sunburn.

Dear God, this is an awful sunburn.

In life, there are things worse than death; one of them is sitting in a mall surrounded by zombies waiting to die. Another is this sunburn.

Sitting in this chair is not helping.

Sixteen years of "Wear sunscreen" proved to be cromulent in the extreme, and yet, when faced with an opportunity to make a decision, I completely ignored the sage advice of my mother.

Save me, Baz Luhrmann. Save me, half-naked girl on the sunscreen bottle. And kick that little dog in the face. For ages he's been pulling your drawers down; show some decency. Whore.

Why do I subject myself to this?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate sunburn.