Thursday, July 29, 2004

Strange things are afoot at the circle k...

My best firend is moving. That sucks. So much for our plans to time travel with George Carlin in a phone booth. Or go to New York on an overgrown peach. Peaches suck anyways. But that would still kick ass. I realize that I just posted one hour or so ago, but I felt like posting again.
I've decided on my future career. Everyone in my family thinks I'll be a comedian, or actor, or even writer for movies or t.V. shows. But, just so I can give them what's for, I'll be an accountant. Huttzah! I win!
Or I could open a museum of the paranormal. Like the copy of Scary Movie 3 I obtained from Blockbuster... that was fullscreen! It was marked as widescreen, but it was full screen. Bizarre. Or... paranormal?

1 comment:

Nick said...

Dude, you are one super awesome 14 year old. >_<

Heh. I was just randomly browsing around...clicking on my likes...i saw some really scary guy's was scary. Your blog is not that scary...just wierd. A metric assload of movie references. You should stop collecting dvds...I heard that your eyes will start to bleed if you get too many of them. ^_^;

Pick up gaming. Gaming's always fun. Doom III is coming out soon...MmmmMmmmMMMmmm...doomalicious. Giant floating zombie-skull-head-a-ma-jigs. Oh well. Off to never never land. *_*

Oh yeah, and zombie movies are so sweet they deserve a 5 out of 5 shurikens. 8=====>~*