Monday, November 22, 2004

Clark Howard is a stingy bastard.

Clark Howard, for those of you lucky enough to not know about this shithead, is a guy on an Atlanta news show that always has tips to help stingy penny-pincher and frugal pig fuckers, among others, save money. Today, his annual "How To Scam Your Kids This Holiday Season" show aired. At the end, he said that out of the top ten rated toys, most were store brand and that kids do not care about the brand of the toy, just that they get the toy. That's true... but only when your testing group is from the ghetto and that's what they were going to get anyways. Most kids do care about the brand of the toy. It's no wonder his children hate him. I would too if he admited on television that he never buys name brand stuff for his kids just to save the extra buck. The bastard's got plenty of dough yet still shops at the fucking dollar tree. What a piece of dog shit on the shoe of life. The K-Mart brand shoe of life.

That he got used at a thrift shop.

And yes, there is another new post under this, though it won't be new after a while. But, hey, a double update day isn't half bad.

POST EDITED FOR SHITTY-NESS. Also, my mom said that ol' Clark has at least $1,ooo,ooo, which makes me hate him even more. He also announced on the radio that he gets his teenager daughter's back to school clothes at a thrift shop. Some one please hit this man with a bus, and fast.

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