Saturday, November 06, 2004

I seriously think aliens are abducting me on a regular basis

That or I cut my bruise my self in my sleep. Or some crazed midget dressed as a clown hiding in my room has been doing it. But I think I would have smelt him by now, so I can rule that idea out.

Last night I had a great dream. I was cut on the face and the scar was huge. People everywhere were like, "That cut is AWESOME." And so the Clive Dangerously face scar became the newest fad and I was popular. Of course I woke disappointed, with no facial scar the size of... something... big and still no popularity.

Oh yeah, my ex-friends noticed the fact that I was counter-ignoring them. Well look who came crawling back. FUCKERS.

Oh, and one more thing. I bought a box of White Castle burgers last night at the grocery store. The hot cashier girl was impressed. She used to live in South Dakota where White Castle burgers were like gold or porn or crack, but no one likes them here, despite the fact that they are Krystal burgers but better and with a different name. The burgers were sooooo good. I might go make some more and sell my siblings for to purchase more burgers.


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