Friday, December 31, 2004

No, I'm Not A Guitarist, But I Play One On T.V.

Okay, so the big ball in Times square just dropped, but I'll comment on that later. Now, I'm gonna talk about my new guitar. Actually, I don't own a guitar. I can't play, either. But I do have a guitar case. It was lying in the middle of the street, so I opened up the car door and took it. I tried to hit some inbreds(yes, that includes the notorious incestuous neighbor kids) with it on the way home, but it isn't as good a weapon as a cello case. Damn. But anyways, now I'm gonna go up to hicktown(Where I attend the prestigious... Actually, it isn't prestigious at all. I hate that school.) and play air guitar with my guitar case out. I'll put a little cash/change in there so they'll know what to do, and I'll earn money for that day's lunch for me and my brother. It'll be great. I'll play Guns n' Roses, and maybe some country to satisfy those damned rednecks. Shit, man, I'm gonna be rich.

Oh, by the way, Christian Rock Hard is the best episode of South Park ever.

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