Thursday, December 29, 2005

I Can Make Stuff Happen With My Mind

Currently Listening To: Hell Yes by Beck
Last night, we were watching Into the Blue, starring some sharks and Jessica Alba's ass. Towards the end, my brother and I were talking about how much better it was than expected when I said, "At least no one has gotten hit in the balls. I hate it when that happens in movies. It's so not funny." No less than ten seconds later, Jessica Alba sterilized some poor bastard. With a lead pipe or maybe her leg. I wasn't really paying attention. Anyways, my brother started yelling at me for ruining the movie. Trying to make a quick save, I said "At least I don't have a million dollars."

It didn't work.


Bella said...

Oh, you're one of those....*snort*

Clive Dangerously said...

Surely someone of your superior intellect recognized the sarcasm in that post.

Clive Dangerously said...

I definitely made that connection but I wasn't offended.