Friday, December 24, 2004

I've decided to be lame and do a quiz

-----------------THE FUTURE------------------
-- Age you hope to be married: 22-24, I guess
-- Numbers and Names of Children: NONE
-- How do you want to die?: Vivisection, preferably by laser
-- What do you want to be when you grow up?: Awesome
-- What country would you most like to visit?: The Netherlands
10 Shows You've Been Watching Lately
10. South Park
9. Degrassi
8. The Daily Show
7. Headline News (boredom taking its toll)
6. Um... Drawn Together?
5. Trading Spouses
4. The Biggest Loser
3. I Love the 80's
2. I Love the 70's
1. The Simpsons
9 Things You're Looking Forward To
9. Doing nothing
8. Getting a '73 AMC Gremlin
7. Summer
6. Spring Break
5. Just about everyweekend
4. Death to infidels
3. Leaving the shithole known as the South
2. ...
1. Finishing this damned quiz
8 Things You Like To Wear
8. Foakley's
7. Fake Von Dutch hat
6. Old Navy(I'm waaaaay cool) cargo pants
5. Duct tape flip-flops
4. sure as hell not collared shirts
3. boxers?
2. the ladies (know what would look good on you? ME)
1. sarcastic t-shirts
7 People That Annoy You
7. rednecks
6. hippies
5. far-right wing Republicans
4. far left-wing Democrats
3. jocks that feel the need to (not literally) piss all over us non-jocks
2. unintelligent people
1. do I even need to type this one? Look a few posts down
6 Things You Touch Everyday
6. computer mouse & keyboard
5. fake Von Dutch hat
4. toothbrush (believe it or not)
3. "fresh" clothes
2. I was gonna say something here, but I deleted it because it sounded like I was trying to be cool
1. You know what? I just go ahead and say it: myself. There. I said it. Are you happy now? You people and your demands.
5 Things You Do Everyday:
5. Take a shower
4. Brush my teeth (yes, yes I do)
3. Get on computer
2. Listen to music
1. Sleep
4 People You Want To Spend More Time With
4. Claire
3. I really don't like to spend time with anyone so I'll just skip the rest of these
3 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
3. Dawn of the Dead(either one)
2. A Nightmare On Elm Street
1. Eurotrip
2 Of Your Favorite Songs At The Moment
2. Ride (the Vines)
1. I Love You Cause I Have To (Dogs Die in Hot Cars)
1 Person You Would Spend The Rest Of Your Life With
1. I should have known this would be one of those quizes about the love 'of your life' that you'll likely end up dumping in the coming month. You know what? I'd like to spemd the rest of my life by myself, just thinking. About ANYTHING.


Anonymous said...

Claire's a tart. Look elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name's Anonymous and I'm too much of a pussy to show my user name. This way, I can insult people on their blogs without fear of any retaliation other than reply on their own blog.

P.S.: I LOOOOOVES the cock.