Monday, December 27, 2004

Taking regifting to the next level

Like the title says, this holiday season, someone in my family took regifting to the next level. My youngest sister gave me stuff STOLEN BY HER FROM MY ROOM. I was just like.... damn. Really, if you can't afford to buy stuff, just do what you do for everyone else and make them a card. It's funny that the one person who always guilt trips people about not getting each other gifts is the one person who totally screws other people over. Don't say "It's the thought that counts" because there was really no thought put into it whatsoever.

And next time(to the other sister), tell me when you decide to give me a crappy gift so I don't buy you a real one. C'mon, kids, I was buying real gifts when I was five. You're 10 and 11. 10 and 11 are both bigger than five.

1 comment:

Clive Dangerously said...

Okay, I re-read that and realized how mean I sounded/was. I understnad that gifts aren't the point of Christmas, but they ARE the point of X-mas. Those two are completely different. Christmas- going to church, Jesus' birth. X-mas- no school, presents.