Monday, November 28, 2005

The Cave-In

Currently Listening To: Under Pressure by David Bowie and Queen/Queen and David Bowie(I don't know who goes first)

I've caved. I'm now going to actually talk about, like, politics and shit. But not for long, I promise. Well, I'm not actually going to talk about that boring stuff. But what I will do is say how I feel about various things.
  • Abortion: Doesn't bother me. People seem to lose sight of the fact that legal abortions don't mean that everyone's going to kill their babies. Just the people who, for one reason or another, can't be pregnant/raide a child.
  • Gay marriage: Doesn't bother me. Besides, they, for the most part, as I understand, just want it so they can get the same benefits as 'normal' couples. I can't disagree with that. And don't get started on that "It's against the Bible!" stuff, because there's freedom of religion and all that stuff, so one religion's law is no better than any other one. Yeah, yeah, how do you like me now?
  • Iraq war: Shouldn't have gone in but we can't just drop everything and leave. But I definitely think we need to hurry it on up. From the sound of it, dem Iraqis aren't too happy with the way things are being run right now.
  • Immigration: Don't care. If people who didn't have the best of lives want to come in and do jobs here better than the people who were doin them, so be it.
  • Restless Leg Syndrome: A frightening epidemic we as a nation must not avoid any longer. KIDDING. Anyone who gets medicine for that is a whiny little biatch.
  • Giant Jesus Statue: Unsightly. Besides, everyone knows that Jesus wasn't white.
  • Bush: NOT an idiot. He just sucks at speaking. That, combined with his cowboy accent and questionable decision making just make him sound like a moron. And did you see that thing last week where he was leaving an interview, but the doors were locked? That was a nice save.
  • Welfare: Good on paper, not so good in execution. I wish we could expand it further, like certain European countries, but people would without a doubt take advantage of it so they don't have to even look for a job even though they're capable, like in certain European countries. I am not making assumptions here, I know a particular person guilty of this.
  • Kidnapping children to perform Satanic rituals on them to get your girl back: Doesn't bother me
  • Scientology: The funniest thing to ever come out of Hollywood. Can't wait for the sequel. ALSO KNOWN AS... Don't do this to me, Tom Cruise. You were cool. Now... not so much.
  • That bee that stung me earlier today: One sorry son of a bitch. I'm glad I killed him, he had it coming.
Oh, and ONE MORE THING. If I hear ANY more bitching about this "Happy Holidays" vs. "Merry Christmas" thing, I will kill someone. You know what's REALLY taking the meaning out of the holiday? Mobs at Wal-Mart for a mother fucking X-Box. I hope all you bastards rot.


Anonymous said...

Smoke Phillip Morris Cigarettes. Especially the Menthol's. Damn are they mentholly. Ghetto like Newports, But Sophisticated like Dunhills. The Perfect match.

Have a nice year, and don't let those little punk ass freshiemen at Darlington get to you. They have feelings too and all, but their feelings just don't matter.

so keep it real.

Peace out.
H. Logan

Clive Dangerously said...

I'll miss you Hunter, even though I didn't really see you at school this year. You stay fresh. Darlington will be less cool without you.