Friday, November 18, 2005 - AFI looking for 100 most inspiring films - Nov 18, 2005

I'm a bit disturbed that the Passion is on there. Regardless of your faith, that is NOT uplifting. At all. That's like, bondage and stuff disguised as Jesus. Wanna know a truly up lifting movie? Hide and Creep, one of the best zombie movies I saw today. The only zombie movie I saw today, but that's beside the point. It was basically Shaun of the Dead, in Alabama, without the serious parts. The romance either. And more boobs. And a penis shot for the ladies. Kinda like 28 Days Later. Well, not really. The only similarity between the two is the penis and the zombies. And they weren't really zombies in 28DL, they were angry people. So really the only thing the two have in common is a penis.
Funny how I segwayed from Jesus to penis. - Ex-CIA boss: Cheney is 'vice president for torture' - Nov 18, 2005
He says Cheney is out of touch with the American people. Well DURRRRRRRR. Guess what? He's a politician. Being out of touch with the other 99.99% of the country is in the job description. The only way to get 'with-it' politicians would be to do what they do in German. Have candidates' campaigns funded by the party, not by the candidate and their supporters. That way, people who aren't rich and are maybe better qualified can run. Then the world wouldn't be in the shitter.

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