Monday, October 24, 2005

The Bi-Polarness of the Weather Is REALLY Pissing Me Off

Currently Watching: I Love The 80's 3-D(These shows reproduce like bunnies)
So this morning it was 40 degrees and now I'm wearing a t-shirt and boxers and I'm still burning up. I was going to say "And I'm still hot", but that's just too easy. So anyways, weather, what the fuck? Are you having emotional issues or some shit like that? Quit it, bitch.

Every year, around Christmas, I get some disease that busts me out of school for a few days. Quite convenient, despite not being intentional. Probably has to do with that thing where if you can visualize yourself sick, then you become sick. I hate school so much that I actually manage to notice that I feel like shit around X-mas. Anyways, this year, I think I'll get the avion flu. That's right, I'll learn how to fly this winter.

I came up with a great idea for a movie. Whenever I do that, I end up seeing a commercial for the movie two months later. If I tell people, the idea will be stolen. If I don't tell people, by some kind of Hollywood magic, it still gets stolen. So here's the plan. Send the idea to a rice farmer in China. He sure as shit won't be able to do anything abouts it.
I was watching Arthur earlier (Because I'm that cool) and then they started playing REM. I've never been more impressed in my life.

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