Saturday, August 21, 2004

School Sucks

This was the longest week ever. School was heinous like a fat man's anus. Fortunately, my fellow nerds and I all have the same lunch period. Hooray for nerds. Speaking of which, my friend Doug and I are officially school newspaper nerds. But that lucky bastard's article for this month can no longer be written, seeing as the football game was rained out. Which I liked, because it combined two of my most favorite things:rain and not football, which basically covers everything.
I started wrighting a story. It's pretty good, but maybe a little too slow. I'll get around to posting it soon. Anyways, I promised I'd disclose my true identity in this post. Well, I lied. But I will tell you my real NICKNAME. It's "The Ryan". Oh, and if you go to my school, be prepared, for on Monday morning, I will start talking in the third person. or should I say, "The Ryan will start talking in the third person." Huzzah.

You can call me "El Diego" if you like that better.

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