Tuesday, September 27, 2005

CNN.com - Penguins stay snug and secure in minefields - Sep 27, 2005

I can't wait until some fatasspenguins comes along and blows them all to hell. I know that sounds a little sadistic, but it would be pretty funny. Funny like when Morroco offered 100,000 monkeys for the war in Iraq. They wanted them to be used to detonate land mines. Animals being blown up by land mines is fuuuuuunny!

CNN.com - Smith gave alleged courthouse shooter drugs - Sep 27, 2005
Funny how it went from 'God helped me' to 'crystal meth helped me'. Angels do not come in hillbilly heroin form. Sorry, bitch. I'm glad I never invested any pity into you.

If Christopher Walken runs for President in 2008, I'd throw away my vote for him. If Ben Affleck runs for senator of whatever state he lives in, I will cry. Affleck is the not-good.

Threadless T-Shirts - Mona Prankster, by Herman Lee
Someone buy me this. Preferably by October the Xth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They talked about the mines on the Falkland Islands in Bloom County cartoons way back in the eighties. Have you read any of the anthologies? I love them.
